Leo Wipe Stain Remover 1 Litre

SKU: 8886338302809
  • Cleans and Deodorizes.
  • Algae, Rust, Mold, Urine and Water Marks/ Stains on mosaic flooring


4 in stock

  • Payment: Payment upon of receipt of goods.
  • Warranty:

Product Description

Cleans and Deodorizes. in one operation. Wipe removes the heaviest formations of Scale, Algae, Rust, Mould, Urine and Water Marks/ Stains on mosaic flooring, toilet bowl and sides of drains. Wipe works chemically by itself without hard scrubbing or agitation.

Wipe Stain Remover

Preparation and Usage


Use Wipe All-in-One Cleaner concentrated from the bottle for more stubborn stains. Spread Wipe evenly on stained areas and allow the chemical to work for about 5 minutes and rinse with water. Wipe can be diluted with up to 10 parts of water for general surface cleaning.

Use on mosaic floorings only


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