Alienergy Electrolyte Water Grapefruit Flavor – 500ml

SKU: 697039992234


5 in stock

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Product Features:
Electrolytes refer to the plasma of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in human body fluids.

Forest Alien Electrolyte Water is close to the osmotic pressure of human body fluids, which quickly replenishes the water and electrolytes needed by the body.

Contains vitamin E and vitamin B6, antioxidant at the same time help protein metabolism and utilization. It is sweet and sour, with the aroma of grapefruit.

0 sugar and 0 calories, good to drink without feeling guilty.

Ingredient list: Water, Erythritol, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Sea salt, Citric acid, Calcium L-lactate, Potassium salt, Zinc gluconate, Citric acid, Sodium citrate, Sucralose, Artificial flavor.



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