Sanitarium Weet-Bix 1.2KG

SKU: 930065201079
  • The wholegrain goodness of Weet-Bix™
  • High fibre
  • B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin and niacin)
  • High in iron
  • Low in sugar
  • One bowl of Weet-Bix™ provides over 60% of your daily wholegrain needs*

* One 31g serve of Weet-Bix™ contributes over 60% of the 48g whole grain Daily Target Intake97%25 Whole Grain Certified


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  • Payment: Payment upon of receipt of goods.
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Weet-Bix™ is Australia’s favourite breakfast cereal. With a delicious malty flavour and the goodness and energy of wholegrain wheat to help kick-start your day.


You’ll find them in households all over the country each and every day. They’ve been loved by generations of Aussies and Weet-Bix™ is still Australia’s No.1 breakfast cereal.

Weet-Bix™ is packed full of 97% wholegrain goodness, and provides you with a good source of iron to help fight tiredness and fatigue, Vitamins B1, B2 and 3 to help release the energy you need to kickstart your day, as part of a balanced diet. Providing a natural source of high fibre, Weet-Bix™ is also low in fat and sugar and contains 5 essential vitamins and minerals.

Weet-Bix Original is rated 5 out of 5 Health Stars

The Health Star Rating is a government led initiative, rating foods from a ½ star to 5 stars based on their nutritional value. When making food choices, consider those with higher star ratings.


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